New Teachers Receive Welcoming Support, Orientation, And Formal Training
When teaching first grade in the 1980s, I didn’t feel like I had all the support and training I needed to help me be successful with my students, nor did I feel like my peers were supportive of each other—we all felt like we were more or less on our own. With all of the changes that have been made to education in the past two decades, this is not the case anymore.
The support new teachers receive
The journey to become a teacher is not easy. It takes dedication, hard work, and the support of your family and friends. That’s why it’s so important that new teachers get the support they need to feel welcomed as a part of the school community. The first few weeks are crucial for making a good impression on students and parents alike. We want you to have every opportunity to succeed from day one!
The orientation new teachers go through
The orientation process for new teachers is intense and thorough. It includes a week-long teaching academy for classroom management skills and lesson planning, as well as a full semester of graduate coursework in teaching methods and pedagogy. New teachers also receive one-on-one mentoring from an experienced teacher who teaches the same subject they will teach in their first year. The goal of these programs is to make sure that new teachers have the necessary tools to be successful right out of the gate.
The formal training new teachers get
Many new teachers are given formal training during the orientation process. This includes sessions on teaching strategies to help students learn and improve their skills. They also get a chance to learn more about the curriculum of their grade level. This way they know what they are expected to teach and can plan lessons accordingly.
In addition to this formal training, new teachers also receive informal support from their colleagues as they start out in the classroom.